Have you ever found yourself wanting something so bad that it interferes with your life somehow? Have you ever wanted something so bad you think about it day and night, when the subject comes up you’ve talked around it with friends from every angle, you can see it in your sleep, You dream about it, debate and it’s a topic of discussion with friends? Now you would say that you feel you have been patient, you have waited and waited and…..nothing.
It doesn’t make it any easier when we live in a microwave high generation, want it now fix, an instant mix of gratification, far from waiting. Well, I can remember leading praise n worship in my church, and a close friend of mine said to me after church “If you sing what Juanita Bynum song, I don’t mind waiting one more time, I tell you” she laughed “I don’t mind Waaaiiitiing” she mimicked me singing “I don’t mind!, “I do mind, I’m tired of waiting! She laughed, we’ll we both had a laugh.
Waiting Sometimes Can Be a Hard Place.
How many can testify to that? Have you ever been there? I’ve been there too. However I really did use to sing that song and really meant every word, even when it looked like nothing was happening, I would sing it.
Now you’ve believed and you have prayed you have fasted and …nothing. Did God hear me? Did he answer and I missed it? You’re asking because you’re still waiting. Just like your tears, your prayers go up to the Heavens. So why am I still waiting? The answer? … Only Heaven knows, only Heaven knows all the answers, the reasons, seasons, and the details.
One thing’s for sure while we are still waiting; we need to ask how am I waiting? Are we still carrying a light of hope on the inside? Or has it diminished as you look at another person who is living the very thing you have been praying for? Do you get encouraged knowing that there is still hope? Are you living with an expectation? Or is it now collecting dust because you haven’t seen it?
It’s So Important How We Wait.
What if you never get it from God? What!!!, then what? Are still willing to trust him? Faithfulness in trusting God. Think about the lessons we have to learn along the Journey, while God has the very thing in the waiting room of Faith. Do we have the patience in the trying of our Faith? Patience itself has work to do in us. What kind of work in us does God have to do before I get what I prayed for? I’ve prayed and it hasn’t happened, am I really ready for it? Have you ever asked yourself that question?
Have we prepared for it, in the waiting? Even if we feel ready, have we missed something that needs attention? God may have said “No”, but how do we handle that? Is there something we have to learn? It may just be simply the time is not yet right? However, let’s ask if we are selves are still praising and worshipping God regardless of what we see and where we are in the waiting. What is our attitude while we wait? Do we have an attitude of gratitude while we wait and are preparing ourselves? Or does our face and actions tell it all?
At the end of the day, God is God, and If God does a thing sometimes it is because it pleases him and maybe there is a purpose for the thing. God is perfect in all his ways, sometimes we don’t understand and cannot see what he is up to.
James 1:3-4 says Knowing that the trying of your faith worked patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
The trying of your faith sounds like will be tested and so will our ability to continue trusting sometimes and believing. Are we willing to trust in him regardless of what it looks like in the waiting through the trials, fire, testing’s probationary period? Are we still praying?
The Importance of Patience
While we are waiting in faith, Patience has a work to do, and we are to let her. So it takes us to surrender in patience, walking by faith through the process of waiting, believing and relying, surrendering to God who is able, regardless of what it looks like, the production of something which is made perfect in us.
Personally, I have found in waiting on God, brings a closer relationship and dependency as he develops and matures. As challenging as the waiting maybe, it’s comforting to know that through the waiting, he is always with us on the journey, and sometimes we only recognise this at the destination. What do we believe God for? While God’s concern is that for him we believe. His will and ways are perfect the most important thing is that we allow him to perfect us on our journey.
I don’t mind waiting on the Lord…….
Scriptures to stand on in the waiting…
James 3:1-4 Knowing that the trying of your faith worked patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
Isiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary; walk and not faint.
Psalm 27:13-14 I had fainted had I not seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on god be of good courage, and he shall strengthen heart: Wait I say on the Lord.
Psalm 33:20-22 Our soul waiteth for the Lord, he is our help and our shield. 21. For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. 22 Let thy mercy, Oh Lord, be upon us, according to as we hope in thee.