
Before U Say 'I do'

God wants each person who desires to be married to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience in marriage, but we believe that God wants us to enjoy and maximise the benefits of our whatever season we might be in on the way to our desired destinations. Rather than a season of loss and lack, being single is a time to discovering ourselves, to learn, unlearn, grow and develop while on the journey towards courtship and eventually marriage.

At Tightknots we aim to provide you with resources to help you prepare well for marriage so you can make right decision when it comes to a life partner, and have God’s mindset as your standard for your marriage journey.
For more information on the services we offer to unmarried individuals click here


Our Address

Jesus House, 112 Brent Terrace, Brent Cross NW2 1LT Phone:(020) 8438 8285
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