I guess from the minute you are born until you complete your university education, the major decisions in your life are made by those who God has entrusted you to.
For many, those people are your parents. They aren’t perfect but, through their own life experiences, they try to give you the best possible start. However, because they aren’t God, they tend to lean on the understanding and wisdom these limited experiences have given them.
Personally, I’ve found it very hard to make decisions for myself, and have always looked to the guidance of my parents or others around me. This worked for me until university, where I hit a MAJOR roadblock and was suddenly faced with several challenges. I could no longer ask my parents what to do; I had to decide for myself.
The person I was, was shaped by others. I had no ‘identity’. I had a problem.
So, I graduated!
Should be the happiest day of my life, right? Wrong. I mean it was, but it presented many questions that I did not w
nt to answer.
“Do you have a job?”
“What career path do I want to go down?”
“Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 15 years?”
“Have you been saving?”
“So, who’s your guy?”
“When do you want to get married?”
I couldn’t answer one question and usually brushed off the ‘marriage’ ones. I just wanted people to leave me alone; the pressure was too much and I grappled with anxiety, doubt and uncertainty for a while.
One thing was certain; I was unsure of myself and who God intended for me to be. I knew, and know now, that God has a plan for me, but I had to build a relationship with Him. I felt God calling me and drawing me towards Him. There were so many things I needed to work on in order to help me get through the various stages of life. ‘Things’ had to be dealt with and ‘things’ needed to be heard for me to make decisions.
For one, I’m still single. Still unsure.
I haven’t been in a relationship in a while. But does it matter? Once you develop a relationship with God, things start to change!
What was clear to me at this stage of life, or at any stage for that matter, is that I needed a relationship with God. It is so important to hear what He is saying because His will for us is perfect.
Life will come with its challenges, you will be forced to make tough decisions and learn about yourself, but with God, You and I are more than conquerors. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)