
8 Reasons not to get married

8 Reasons not to get married A marriage is a divinely ordained opportunity for two people to come together and maximise their strengths while minimizing their weaknesses for their better […]

Before you choose your wedding date

Before you choose your wedding date It’s occurred to me that, amongst other things, couples need to consider the difficult side of the marriage vows before taking them. It’s not […]

I Don’t Mind Waiting

I Don’t Mind Waiting Have you ever found yourself wanting something so bad that it interferes with your life somehow?   Have you ever wanted something so bad you think about […]

Why The Wait?

Why The Wait? Sometime in 2012 Me: Why am I still single? God: Silence Me: Why am I still single? Am I not pretty enough? I am ready for marriage. […]

Will You? “I do” … Then What?

Will You? “I do” … Then What? A vision of beauty, an eligible bachelor (soon to be un-eligible), a blushing bride, an expectant family, a starry eyed couple.   The music, […]

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